
random thought #2

Everyday i feel respected, sometimes abused and mostly taken for granted.
This respect i feel is product of hardwork and good professional relationships. I lead a team and i feel that i've earned their respect, however everytime someone new is introduced you need to earn their respect from scratch. This is tiresome and sometimes annoying. Why don't the people just look arround and behave accordingly!? Not that i actually do this, but i see it as the most efficient way. But people need to test boundries, cross them and if they can't deal with them go back.
So respect is actually nothing more than being stronger than the other, would you respect someone just because they try hard but don't acomplish shit? i know i wouldn't. This resembles fear, and many people have written on that topic, but fear is because you either don't know what the other can do, or its just because you can't do it yourself. Respect is more on the side of, we can both do it, but you just know how better than me....

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