
random thought #1

People amuse me. Consider this you're a person, same as me, however we always sit in diferent positions due to a very human trait, perspective.
Everyday i have to struggle against you, the people, to make it trough the day with my mind intact. It starts early in the morning when i turn on the tv and see people that must have forfeited their brain, you can sense that they don't act but go on trough life reacting.
This is a behaviour that both puzzles, pisses me off, and causes me envy. I wish i could be like that, senseless, numb, a sheep amongst the crowd, however i can't, wish i could, but i can't!
Wich leads me to a bigger problem: thoughts, thousands of them in the form of goals, doubts, considerations, perpectives. Thoughts have the unique ability to drive you mad, to truly destroy your ability to function.
When I work, i don't think, i just solve the problems presented, consider the options, see the possibilites and then execute, now as this might be quite similar to the act of thinking it's not. Why? Well because thinking involves emotions and worse than that, the external view of yourself. I often try to see myself as other view, to do this i think of others and the switch the roles, however it seldom works and the best part of it is that when it does you can see how pathetic you are, that you're just as flawed as everyone else.

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