
random thought #11

disturbance in the force...
Sometimes when you see a person she has the ability to invoke emotions you thought hidden in you. Sometimes these emotions are good sometimes bad. I amazed myself today. And also got an answer to one of my most pertinenent questions...
The answer is, yes i is me! I cannot explain this, but consider this situation: you walk into a pub expecting a fight with 20 drunk marines, prepare yourself to face some very painful emotions, and when you enter the pub you're neo, you can see the matrix and you can control your emotions, control what you feel, and furthermore you don't need to.
Because now that most dust is settled i am me. And me is alot stronger and steadier than i thought altough this still carries some issues regarding the ability to feel that in the past i've seem to forget and then remember. Now i want to feel, but to be able to take it carefully.
the force is strong...

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