
Random thought #43

Taking chances is hard. Surviving them is usually easy.
I think that one of my biggest problems right now are the "what ifs" of everyday life...
i ponder too much, as in the past i pondered too little. I still haven't been able to come to terms with myself to find my self-confidence to be able to move over these "what ifs"...
Because being confident is what makes you ignore them, to not think about them. To take a chance and not to be thinking of all the negative things that might, or might not, come from it.
I'm definitely stuck here, but i can't decide how i'd like to come out of this...

1 comment:

thethinker said...

Those "what if's" are what make life interesting. Indecision is something that plagues me all too often, but not always knowing what choice to make is a challenge that I've come to accept by now.